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Beardburys Streamer Gun

نشرت في June 15, 2020

Beardburys, a brand of Carobels, a Spanish company based in Leon, has developed a new line of products
Hygienic and disposable that fit the needs
of the hairdresser's and barber's sector, where the
Beardburys Streamer Gun.
With the COVID-19 we face the challenge of returning to
with the greatest safety and protection for the
employees and customers in the sector.
At Beardburys, one of the values that mark the day to day is
involvement and closeness to its customers.
Carobels is a family business based in Leon. All
began in 1966, with an entrepreneur who took his
suitcase and went to Barcelona, where he met the business of
cosmetics. In 1985, Carobels would open its first store in
the capital of León, and today the second generation of the family is leading the company to its international expansion.
In 2008 the company decided that it had to leave the
to offer its products to all of Spain and to all of the
world, and today its foreign business already constitutes approximately 25% of its turnover.
Beardburys has managed to position itself, in only 3
years since its creation, as one of the main
firms in the hairdressing and male aesthetic sector. The key factor, according to the company, is
innovative approach and a different way of thinking than
other brands. Its complete offer of professional products is characterized by innovation, the use of ingredients
natural hair care and elaboration
of handmade formulas.
Now from Beardburys they want to go one step further and
wants to commit to its clients by creating a
new line of hygiene and disposable products that
adapt to new health and cleaning standards,
to combat the COVID-19 situation and help in the
transition to a new normality in the sector of a
safe and effective way. Its new line has everything necessary to offer the best service to customers in a
efficient, simple and safe. In its catalog of hygienic products, products such as the Beardburys Streamer Gun, hydroalcoholic gels, coats and disposable towels stand out,
disposable vinyl gloves, disposable covers for
glasses. Within its selection you will find several types
of sterilizers for hairdressing and barbershop. Electric sterilizers, sterilizing jugs and towel warmer.
According to the most recent studies, the market of hairdressing salons in Spain reached in the last year 4100 million
euros of turnover. In Spain there are more than 48 200 salons
hairdressing salons, mostly micro-enterprises and self-employed professionals, employing more than 150,000
directly. According to data provided by Stanpa, the
National Association of Perfumery and Cosmetics, the crisis
of COVID-19 could mean the closure of 42.4% of hairdressers, which in figures would mean the closure of 20 000 hairdressers
throughout Spain and the loss of 1280 million euros in
2020. On the other hand, beyond the economic aspects,
There are the sociological and psychological ones. In Beardburys there are
committed to the need to return to routines
and decrease health insecurity, and to offer security and peace of mind to the
users to regain normalcy and confidence.
For this reason they present the Beardburys Streamer Gun, a tool that will be indispensable for the realization of the activity
daily, since it allows the cleaning and disinfection of the
and utensils in a fast, efficient and
safe between client and client. This tool provides
a double security, towards the employee and the customer. It is
a visual tool, which will help the client feel
safe and protected by seeing the disinfection in front of him and
before attending to you.
The new line of hygienic products, will be a new indispensable aid in the services of the salons of
hairdresser and barber, now available for hairdressers
and barber shops on the Carobels website.

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    اشترك في نشرتنا

    هل تريد أن تصلك معلومات عن عروضنا، وطرح المنتجات الجديدة؟

    ادخل هنا البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك، وسنخبرك بكل ما هو جديد

    طريقة سهلة ومريحة لمواكبة حملاتنا، وأحدث العروض، والخصومات الخاصة

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